Westpark Gamers

Westpark gamers
The Westpark Gamer’s website started as a pure information site about the railroad games of the 18xx series and it mainly contained struktured link collections. Our next step was to include material about the game series that was not available in the net anywhere else, like the articles about Avalon Hill’s 1830 game published in the General in the mid eighties. It was in fact surprisingly easy to get the permission of the authors for a reproduction of their articles in the internet. Our first own article was the description of the “Walter variant” for 1830. In 2001 an important step in our website development happened when we decided to create own content by providing game reviews of the games we play. It was Moritz’ fabulous idea to review English games in German and German games in English. That way we wanted to distinguish the Westpark Gamer’s pages from the rest of the game review sites. Westpark GamersIn 2002 we decided to write session reports about each of our gaming sessions and chose to write them in a kind of game review format whenever possible. This now guarantees a steady inflow of game reviews.

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