Message from Baltimore – Bericht uit Baltimore

Rail Road Tycoon


I had the pleasure the past year to play some games with Real Dutch people. This was my first exposure to such games (and people). Before then, I think my favorite was The Game of Life.

BJ asked me to share some memories. I think my favorite game was definitely Railroad Tycoon, maybe because the map of the US reminded me of home—maybe I thought I had a secret advantage because I knew the map. It didn’t help. Anyway, I liked the European version just as much (Ruud—I have not forgotten!).

Here is something I noticed at the meetings, which maybe aren’t strange to you all: when a game ends, it just ends. There was no celebrating or congratulating, also no ceremonial handshakes. In my country, it is required to say “Good game, good game!” to everyone at the end, even if it was not a good game. But in Hilversum, the game just ends.

Super Munchkin

Since coming to Baltimore, I’ve had a few chances to play games. I know BJ will be mad, but I played SuperMunchkin—and liked it! With BJ and Michael, I tried to play Santiago online, but it was so slow that we forgot we were playing. (I’ve also played a lot of Gears of War on my friend’s Xbox–I don’t know if that counts.) There are a few game clubs around this area, but none that meet EVERY week, and NONE that meet where beer is sold. I will check one out tomorrow at the Baltimore Science Fiction Club and send a report. I bet they all say, “Good game!”. I am very happy I had the chance to play some good games with good people in NL.

Thanks for helping me practice my Dutch, and for inviting me along. Het was hartstikke leuk!

Door bordspelgroep

Ik beheer deze site en speel verder geen spelletjes :-)

0 reacties

  1. That’s not true 🙂 First of all, you ran away every time at the end of each game evening to catch the train to Utrecht, secondly we were discussing the games in Dutch. But you’re right Dutch people aren’t known for their social smalltalk……. 🙂

    However, it is very nice you shared your memories with us, looking forward to hear more off your (board)game adventures in Baltimore.

    It was good to have you on board(games) for sometime, and you won a lot of (board)games too.

    Maybe we will see you again in Hilversum or maybe the gamegroup will come over and visit you in Baltimore. 🙂

  2. Ohhh, The Game of Life (Levensweg) is a game I must have played a thousand times when I was a child! My brothers and I loved it. I think we still have it in the attic.

    Good to hear a sign of life from Baltimore. Hope you guys are settling in and enjoying being back in the US. We miss you, but we understand you had to go ðŸ™‚

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